Corlys Velaryon is a member of the noble Crownlander House Velaryon and captain of the ship Evening Close.
He is named for the Sea Snake of two-hundred and fifty years prior, and shares his ancestors love for adventure.
The First Expedition of Corlys Velaryon arrived at the northern edge of Sothoryos in 353AC, collecting a great quantity of gemstones, spices and if the rumours are to be believed, slaves, before sailing north towards the Bay of Dragons. After visiting Qarth, Corlys, much like his ancestor, would return home to Driftmark, bringing riches with him. It would prove to be the first of many journeys for the seafarer.
In 361AC, the Second Expedition of Corlys Velaryon took him once again the Sothoryos, although once again he does not venture further than the beaches, and declines to stay for longer than a few days. While he planned to sail further east, to Qarth and through the Jade Gates to Yi Ti and Leng, Corlys and his ship Evening Close are forced to turn back early, calling port instead at Volantis while Corlys recovers from a sickness he believes to have caught whilst calling port in the Basilisk Isles.
Just five years after his last expedition, Corlys Velaryon sets out for the east once more, seeking to repeat the journey taken by his namesake. Returning half a decade later to Westeros, he does so claiming to have sailed to Yi Ti, Leng, Asshai and further still, to lands distant. His tales of the fantastical sights he witnessed draw the attention of a great number of noble and lowborn in Westeros alike.
When Corlys Velaryon announced his Fourth Grand Expedition on the eve of 372AC, a number of Westerosi and Essosi alike flocked to his side, wishing to join him on his adventures. Among them were the Crownlander Ser Osmund Massey, Stormlander Gilbert Tudbury, the Dornishman Nymos Toland, the Westerlander twins Alyssa and Marq Farman and a strew of lesser souls, sellswords and adventurers.
Their ships were found at the mouth of Zamoyos in late 372AC, near the ruined city of Zamettar by lumberers in the employ of the Lyseni House of Nahohr - although the charts located within the vessels suggest it was Yeen and beyond that they had travelled to by rowboat.
They have not been seen since, although their long since raided vessels remain scuttled on the shore. While many have dismissed the party as long deceased, there are those that instead remind that the same was thought of the Sea Snake when he sailed for the Jade Sea - and later returned with enough riches to make House Velaryon the richest House in Westeros for a time.