IronThroneRP Wiki

Theo's Tower is located on the western side of Pykeby Theomore Greyjoy, heir of House Greyjoy.

The Tower has many different names, Theo's Tower, Theomore's Tower, Greyjoy Tower or Kraken's Tower


Theo's Tower is made of stone, round and around 60 feet high.


With his first-born son away and life on Pyke going well in the year 370AC, Theomore Greyjoysought a quiet place. Making use of a finger of rock on the western horizon of Pyke construction began. Men were paid in coin and worked at a fast rate. Within less than a year, a round stone tower had been erected stretching nearly 10-man heights up from the rocky outcrop. Here Theo would bring his wife and children to be near the sea. It was a godly place, a place for Greyjoys, and a place for meditation.
