Hammerhead Isle is the third largest isle in the Jade Sea, behind Great Moraq and Leng.
Unlike those isles however, Hammerhead Isle is largely uninhabited.
Location and Geography[]
Hammerhead Isle is located east of Wyvern Point in Sothoryos, in the eastern aspect of the Jade Sea. To the north the isle of Lesser Moraq is located, and to the east is Sandglass Isle, Morraqon, Greenheart and the Isle of Elephants.
The island is covered in a thick jungle, not unlike that of the Sothoryosi mainland. Much of the wildlife too, is similar, and while no trace of them exists anymore upon the isle, it is said that a variation of the Brindled Men also prowled the isle in centuries past, before a Corsair-King raided the isle and sold the entire residence into slavery.
At the heart of the isles, there are a series of steep peaks called the Teeth. From them waterfalls fall, fed by the constant rain-clouds collected around their peaks, and all around three dozen unique species of flower grow.