House Celtigar of Claw Isle rules Claw Isle, an island in the narrow sea off the coast of Crackclaw Point. The Celtigars are historically sworn to Dragonstone within the Crownlands.
House Celtigar is an ancient and proud house, with the blood of old Valyria in its veins. Crispian Celtigar served as master of coin to Aegon I Targaryen. The Celtigars claim dominion over Crackclaw Point, but the inhabitants do not acknowledge their claim. When they surrendered peacefully to Visenya Targaryenduring the War of Conquest, the people of Crackclaw were officially freed from pledging fealty to anyone but the Iron Throne. The Celtigars occasionally send men there to collect taxes. If Lord Celtigar sends enough collectors, a few come back to him.
During the Dance of the Dragons, Lord Bartimos Celtigar sat on the black council to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The Celtigars' castle is rumored to hold fabulous treasures that bear witness to their wealth. Among Lord Ardrian Celtigar's property there are Myrish carpets, Volantene glass, gold and silver plate, jeweled cups, magnificent hawks, a trained sea eagle, an axe of Valyrian steel, chests of rubies, a horn said to summon krakens from under the sea, and many fine wines