Ib Nor is one of the main fishing and trading hubs of the Isle of Ib. Compared to the Port of Ibben, however, it is minuscule and poor.
Ib Nor was founded many years ago after the Port of Ib, after a break in the raiders and merchants of Ib.
The merchants and raiders that settled in the north named it Ib Nor, meaning "The Port of the North." Due to its position far into the Shivering Sea, it has not been raided or sacked by any non-native in the last five centuries.
- The Fishing Town - The major trade hub of the city, the so-called Fishing Town is where merchants and fishermen from the Shivering Sea come to trade and sell their foods and wares to the people of Ib Nor. Foreign ships are rare in these parts, instead opting to dock at the Port of Ibben.
- The Raider's Ale - A brewhouse and salt-house, The Raider's Ale was once exclusive to just raiders of Ib. However, over the last decades, it was taken over by the commonfolk of the city, garnering new business and coin for the current owners.
Recent History[]
A battered vessel crashed into the harbourside of Ib Nor near the start of 375AC. Those few crew still aboard were covered in wounds, but more curiously frozen solid and covered in hoarfrost. Claims of an ice dragon have naturally been matters of gossip throughout the settlement.