IronThroneRP Wiki

Ibben is a region of the Shivering Sea, which is the polar sea north of the eastern continent, Essos. It is inhabited by a people known as the Ibbenese. The chief city of the Ibbenese is the Port of Ibben, situated on the southern coast of their largest island, Ib.


The largest island of Ibben is Ib, a forested and mountainous island containing the cities Port of Ibben and Ib Nor. South of Ib are scattered islands in the Bay of Whales. Southeast of Ib is a moderately-sized mountainous island called Far Ib, containing the city Ib Sar.

South of the Ibbenese islands on the mainland of Essos are the cities of Ibbish and New Ibbish, situated on a forested peninsula north of the Kingdom of Rwhah Drekhta, and to the west the settlements of Ib Alo and Ib Nes can be found.


The people of Ibben are hairy and squat, with rasping voices, and both genders hunt in the Shivering Sea for whales in great fat-bellied cogs smeared with tar. They are said to be fond of axes and shaggy brown shields lined with fur.

The ports are lit by lamps of whale oil, and attended to regularly by slaves who ensure that the supply never runs low.