Koj is one of the fifteen islands that make up the main Summer Isles archipelago.
Koj is a smaller island than Walano to the north, or Omboru and Jhala to the south, but no less important to the culture and people of the Summer Isles. The Summer Isles are famed for their Swan Ships, great seafaring vessels that ride the wind faster than any galley or warship from elsewhere in the Known World, and it is in the shipyards of Koj that the finest Swan Ships are constructed. Hewn from exotic woods native only to the Summer Isles themselves, the white-sailed vessels are an impressive sight as they cut through the waters of the Summer Sea.
The island of Koj is ruled over by just one family, House Xaq. Claiming descendancy from the legendary Summer Isle Prince Malthar Xaq, called the Mapmaker and the Windrider, the Xaqs reside within the Pearl Palace on the northern aspect of the island.