Morraqon is a small isle located within the Cinnamon Straits in the Jade Sea.
Location and Geography[]
Morraqon is located southwest of the isle of Great Moraq and directly west of the settlement of Port Moraq. Further to the west, the isles of Lesser Moraq, Hammerhead Isle and Sandglass Isle can be found, and to the south is the island of Greenheart.
The Frog Pool[]
Of the few permanent residents that reside upon the isle of Morraqon, most can be found around the series of waterfalls and pools on the northern tip of the isle. Shaped by hands long gone, the waters are surrounded by hundreds of stone frogs, and from their mouths and eyes the crisp fresh waters that feed the pools flow.
Some in the past have suggested a connection to the Isle of Toads in the Basilisks, but while the effigy there carries a malign and foul spirit, no such unpleasantness lingers in the depictions upon Morraqon.