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The Port of Ibben is by far the largest and busiest city on the island of Ib and the main hub of Ibbenese culture, followed distantly by Ib Nor.


The Port of Ibben was the first Ibbenese city founded, and has ruled over Ib and the surrounding isles since the Dawn Age. It was once the seat of the Ibbenese God-Kings in the days before the Doom of Valyria. Though the last God-King was overthrown in the aftermath of the Doom during an event known as the Thawing of Ibben. His castle remains a crumbling monument in the centre of the city, and is sometimes used by the Shadow Council, who have ruled the nation from the Port of Ibben ever since.

The Ibbenese are a historically secretive people, and the Port of Ibben is one of the only cities where outsiders are permitted to wander freely, the other being Ib Nor. Beyond the Port of Ibben foreigners are only allowed with an Ibbenese host.


Due to its northern location, days are short and sunlight is weak in the Port of Ibben, and the city is eternally grey and gloomy. It is a city of cobbled alleys, steep hills, and teeming docks and shipyards, lit by constantly-burning whale-oil lamps suspended on iron chains.

  • The Docks of Ibben: By far the busiest area of the city, the docks are crowded with both native Ibbenese fishing boats and trading vessels from across Essos. Whaling cogs and warships covered in fur dominate the wharves of the dock, but there are often a few other vessels too, primarily heralding from the Free City of Lorath to the west.
  • The God-King's Castle: The most significant landmark of the city, the once ostentatious castle now lies in cold ruins in the centre of the city. Few care to go inside, although it is sometimes used by the Shadow Council for their meetings.