IronThroneRP Wiki

This page serves as a compilation of (hopefully) all the Essosi lore on the wiki.

I have since expanded it to include pretty much everything that is not Westeros - if there is anything you are wondering about that pertains to anything on this page, I am the one to ask about it!

You can find a deeply confusing (and in some places a little outdated) timeline of the events of Essos here, although all the information can be found elsewhere on the wikia!

- Mango


Free Cities[]


Geographic Locations


Summer Isles[]

The Bay of Dragons and Ghiscar[]

The Valyrian Peninsula[]

The Basilisk Isles and Sothoryos[]

The Great Grass Sea[]

The Shivering Sea[]

The Jade Sea and the Far East[]


Sellsword Companies[]

Sellsail Companies[]


Significant Events[]