The Shadow Council is the ruling body of Ibben ever since the last God-King was overthrown in the aftermath of the Doom of Valyria during an event known as the Thawing of Ibben. Its members are chosen by the Thousand, an assembly of Ibbenese wealthy guildsmen, ancient nobles, priests, and priestesses similar to the magisters' councils in the Free Cities. Unlike the Free Cities however, there are differing titles given to those that sit upon the council.
Responsibilities and Titles[]
Within the Shadow Council, there are six members, all of which who serve for life. They can, however, stand down from their duties, but in doing so they relinquish their chance to be ever be reinstated to the Council. Those six that serve are of technically equal power and standing, however there is distinction between them.
- The Silver - The spokesperson of the Council, considered its head by many, although no extra power is granted by the moniker. It is the responsibility of the Silver to treat with foreigners be it to declare war against threats and offer peace and trade to those appropriate, although he can delegate any other to do it on his behalf, except for the other members of the Shadow Council.
- The Amber - The next to serve as the Silver after the current person in the position has served their five years.
- The Obsidian - The Silver becomes the Obsidian when their half-decade term is completed. Their primary responsibility is the choosing of the next Amber, and thus indirectly the next Silver. This task is done at the start of their service in the role, which they continue with until the current Silver has finished their spell.