Zamettar is an ancient city on the northern coast of Sothoryos. It was once a splendid walled city owned by the Ghiscari, but over time has changed hands and was at last abandoned by Nymeria and the Rhoynar.
Few have traveled to Sothoryos and survived owing to the impassable jungle and the hostile fauna. Thus, little is known about what exists to the south of Zamettar in the Green Hell. The only thing for certain is that some distance further south along the Zamoyos River lay the ancient city of Yeen, and beyond that more jungle inhabited by massive apes and Sothoryi Brindled Men.
To the north is the Summer Sea and Ax Isle. To the west are the majority of the Basilisk Isles.
In the distant past Ghiscari explorers settled the city of Zamettar, ruling it in the time of the Old Empire. Some time later the Dragonlords of the Valyrian Freehold would capture Zamettar, running out the Ghiscari entirely. Over time the conditions of Sothoryos would drive the Valyrians out, leaving Zamettar to the jungle.
Seven hundred years before the present age, the first Rhoynar ships under Princess Nymeria arrived from the Basilisk Isles. To them it would be good fortune to find an abandoned, walled city in an oft-ignored corner of the world. Rhoynar settlers made a home out of Zamettar and expanded up the Zamoyos to Yeen. Sothoryos would not be kind, however. The Rhoynar in Yeen would disappear to the last man, and Princess Nymeria would order her people back to their ships after disease, parasites, animal attacks, and the oppressive heat claimed many lives.
For the intervening seven centuries the jungle has worked relentlessly to reclaim the ancient city. With no tenders the vines and trees have scaled the walls and now cover them while the streets are broken apart by roots. Few buildings remain wholly intact, as storms have taken their toll on even these stone structures.